II Corinthians Translated with Introudction, Notes and Commentary : II Corinthians Translated with Introudction, Notes and Commentary /
Furnish, Victor Paul, 1984.
II Corinthians Translated with Introudction, Notes and Commentary : II Corinthians Translated with Introudction, Notes and Commentary / by Vircotr Pual Furnish. - Garden City, NY : Doubleday & Company Inc., 1984. - p.619.
0385111991 : $
II Corinthians Translated with Introudction, Notes and Commentary : II Corinthians Translated with Introudction, Notes and Commentary / by Vircotr Pual Furnish. - Garden City, NY : Doubleday & Company Inc., 1984. - p.619.
0385111991 : $