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The Gospel in a pluralist society /

Newbigin, Lesslie.

The Gospel in a pluralist society / Lesslie Newbigin. - xi, 244 pages ; 23 cm.

Dogma and doubt in a pluralist culture -- The roots of pluralism -- Knowing and believing -- Authority, autonomy, and tradition -- Reason, revelation, and experience -- Revelation in history -- The logic of election -- The Bible as universal history -- Christ, the clue to history -- The logic of mission -- Mission : word, deed, and a new being -- Contextualization, true and false -- No other name -- The Gospel and the religions -- The Gospel and the cultures -- Principalities, powers, and people -- The myth of the secular society -- The congregation as hermeneutic of the Gospel -- Ministerial leadership for a missionary congregation -- Confidence in the Gospel.



Christianity and culture.
Christianity--20th century.
Apologetics--History--20th century.

261 Newbigin

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