Novum Testamentum Graece
Nestle, Eberhard
Novum Testamentum Graece - Stuttgard Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Peabody, Mass Hendrickson Publishers Inc. 1993 - 811p. - .
With foreword and introduction in German and English, marginal references, textual notes at the foot of the page, appendices: Codices graeci et latini; variae lectiones minores; editionum differentiae; loci citati vel allegati; signa, sigla, abbreviationes. Loosely inserted folded card listing used abbreviations, signs etc
9783438051356 (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft) 9781598562002 (Hendrickson Publishers)
Bible. New Testament
Bible. New Testament. Greek
Novum Testamentum Graece - Stuttgard Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Peabody, Mass Hendrickson Publishers Inc. 1993 - 811p. - .
With foreword and introduction in German and English, marginal references, textual notes at the foot of the page, appendices: Codices graeci et latini; variae lectiones minores; editionum differentiae; loci citati vel allegati; signa, sigla, abbreviationes. Loosely inserted folded card listing used abbreviations, signs etc
9783438051356 (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft) 9781598562002 (Hendrickson Publishers)
Bible. New Testament
Bible. New Testament. Greek