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Leviticus /

Kleinig, John W.

Leviticus / John W. Kleinig. - xliv, 610 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm. - Concordia commentary: a theological exposition of Sacred Scriptures. . - Concordia commentary. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

The involvement of the Israelites in the divine service (1:1-15:33). The manual of offerings (1:1-7:35) ; The inauguration of the divine service (8:1-10:20) ; The manual for purity (11:1-15:33) -- The ritual for the Day of Atonement (16:1-34) -- The participation of the Israelites in God's holiness (17:1-27:34). Reverence for the sanctuary (17:1-22:33) ; Observance of the Sabbaths (23:1-25:55) ; Promises and warnings : God's policy for Israel (26:1-46) ; Votive offerings and consecrated things (27:1-34).




222.13 Kleining

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