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Loci communes, 1543 /

Melanchthon, Philip, 1497-1560.

Loci communes, 1543 / Philip Melanchthon ; translated by J.A.O. Preus. - 259 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Translation of the 3rd Latin edition of: Loci communes rerum theologicarum, first published 1543.

Locus 1, God -- Locus 2, Creation -- Locus 3, The cause of sin and concerning contingency -- Locus 4, Human powers or free choice -- Locus 5, Sin -- Locus 6, The divine law -- Locus 7, The Gospel -- Locus 8, Grace and justification -- Locus 9, Good works -- Locus 10, The difference between the old and the new covenants -- Locus 11, The difference between mortal and venial sin -- Locus 12, The church -- Locus 13, the sacraments -- Locus 14, Predestination -- Locus 15, The kingdom of Christ -- Locus 16, The resurrection of the dead -- Locus 17, The spirit and the letter -- Locus 18, Calamities, the cross, and true consolations -- Locus 19, The invocation of God, or prayer -- Locus 20, Civil rulers and the validity of governmental matters -- Locus 21, Human ceremonies in the Church -- Locus 22, The mortification of the flesh -- Locus 23, Offense -- Locus 24, Christian liberty -- Appendix : Marriage.



Lutheran Church--Doctrines--Early works to 1800.
Theology, Doctrinal--Early works to 1800.

230.41 Melanchton

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