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A Select Library of the Christian Church - Nicene And Post-Nicene Fathers vol 4 [1st series] : Augustine: the writings against the Manichaens, and against the Donatists /

Schaff, Philip

A Select Library of the Christian Church - Nicene And Post-Nicene Fathers vol 4 [1st series] : Augustine: the writings against the Manichaens, and against the Donatists / ed. by Philip Schaff. - Peabody, MA Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 1994. - vol 4, [1st series] 657 pages. - 1st. series vol. 4. .


Augustine, - Saint, Bishop of Hippo

Church history--Primitive and Early Church, ca 30-600
Fathers of the Church
Christian literature, early

REF 270.2 Schaff v.4 (1st series)

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