Novum Testamentum Graece /
Novum Testamentum Graece /
Nestle-Aland : Novum Testamentum Graece. At head of title: Nestle-Aland.
post Eberhard et Erwin Nestle communiter ediderunt Barbara et Kurt Aland ... [and others] ; apparatum criticum novis curis elaboraverunt Barbara et Kurt Aland una cum Instituto Studiorum Textus Novi Testamenti Monasteriensi Westphaliae.
- Twenty-seventh revised edition, ninth corrected print., wide margin edition.
- 89 pages, 812 pages ; 25 cm.
"Witnesses, Signs, Abbreviations in the Greek Text and Apparatus": [6] p. inserted in pocket.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
With foreword and introduction in German and English, marginal references, textual notes at the foot of the page, appendices: Codices graeci et latini; variae lectiones minores; editionum differentiae; loci citati vel allegati; signa, sigla, abbreviationes. Loosely inserted folded card listing used abbreviations, signs etc.
Introductory materials in English and German.
9783438051356 3438051354 9781598562002 1598562002
225.48 Nestle
"Witnesses, Signs, Abbreviations in the Greek Text and Apparatus": [6] p. inserted in pocket.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
With foreword and introduction in German and English, marginal references, textual notes at the foot of the page, appendices: Codices graeci et latini; variae lectiones minores; editionum differentiae; loci citati vel allegati; signa, sigla, abbreviationes. Loosely inserted folded card listing used abbreviations, signs etc.
Introductory materials in English and German.
9783438051356 3438051354 9781598562002 1598562002
225.48 Nestle