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Eucharist and sacrifice. /

Aulén, Gustaf, 1879-1977.

Eucharist and sacrifice. / Translated by Eric H. Wahlstrom. - 212 pages ; 21 cm.

"Translated from För eder utgiven."

Introduction: Current interest in the Lord's Supper -- Part I. Ecumenical discussions about the Lord's Supper -- 1. Conference pronouncements (statements by ecumenical conferences) -- 2. Voices from various church communions -- 3. Some Anglican documents -- 4. Two Roman voices -- 5. Review and questions -- Part II. The Reformation -- 6. Ecumenicity and the Reformation -- 7. Treatise on the blessed sacrament and the small catechism -- 8. The sacrifice -- 9. Sacrifice and the real presence -- 10. A picture from the late nineteenth century -- Part III. The teaching of the New Testament -- 11. For what purpose? -- 12. The eucharist and the gospel -- 13. The crucified and the living one -- 14. The sacrifice -- 15. The sacrifice and the real presence -- Part IV. Conclusions -- 16. Ecumenical orientation -- 17. Eucharist and sacrifice -- 18. Mysterium Christi.

58008946 /L

Lord's Supper--Sacrifice.

265.3 Aulén

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