Kolb, Robert 1941-

The Alien + the Proper Luther's Two-Fold Righteousness in controversy, Ministry and Citizenship. by Robert Kolb - Irvine, CA. 1517 2023 - xi,219p. includes subject index, scripture index

Foreword by Michael J. Chan
"Our theology"
Luther's Two Kinds of Righteousness: A personal reflection / Robert Kolb
1. Luther's "Two Kinds of Righteousness": A brief historical introduction / David A. Lumpp
2. Luther on the Two Kinds of Righteousness: Reflections on His two-dimensional definition of humanity at the heart of his theology / Robert Kolb
Two Kinds of Righteousness as a framework for law and gospel in the Apology / Charles P. Arand
3. Civic participation by churches and pastors: An essay on Two Kinds of Righteousness / William W. Schumacher
5. "The chief controversery between the Papalists and Us" / Robert Kolb
6. Why the Two Kinds of Righteousness? / Charles P. Arand and Joel Biermann
7. God and His human creatures in Luther's sermons on Genesis: The Reformer's early use of his distinction of Two Kinds of Righteousness / Robert Kolb
8. The Two Kinds of Righteousness!: What's a preacher to do? / Timothy Saleska
9. The ministry of the church in light of the Two Kinds of Righteousness / Charles P. Arand
Conclusion / Charles P. Arand

This is a collection of previously published essays from Lutheran Quarterly and the Concordia Journal on the subject of Luther's concept of twofold righteousness.--Publisher


Luther, Martin, 1483-1546

Luther, Martin, 1483-1546--Criticism and interpretation.
Christian life
Religion. Christianity, Lutheran.

230.31 Kolb