Noss, David S.

A history of the world's religions / David S. Noss, John B. Noss. - Eighth edition. - xiv, 654 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Rev. ed. of: Man's religions. 7th ed. 1984. Includes index.

Bibliography: pages 613-634.

Religions of South Asia: -- Early Hinduism: passage from ritual sacrifice to mystical union: Religion of the Vedic Age -- Brahmanism -- Caste -- Cermonila life -- Glossary -- Later Hinduism: -- religion as the determinant of social behavior: -- Changes in Brahmanism -- four goals -- three ways -- Ordered society -- ways of work -- reflective mode -- way of knowledge -- upanishads -- Reflective models -- six acceptable systems -- Devotional mode -- way of devotion -- Bhagavad Gita -- devotional models -- Epics -- Puranas -- Deities -- Devotional life -- Issuses -- Problems of the present -- glossary -- Jainism: -- Study in Asceticism: -- Mahavira's manner of life -- Philosophy -- Ethics of Jainism -- Mahavira's followers -- Glossary -- Buddhism in its first phase: -- Moderation in world renunciation: -- Life of the founder -- Teachings of the Budda -- glossary -- Religious development of Buddihism: -- diversity in redemptive means: -- Spread of Buddhism in Indai -- Southeast Asia -- Message of the Mahayana -- Mahayana philosophies of religion -- Mahayana schools of thought in China and Japan -- Buddhism today -- Glossary -- Sikhism: Study in Syncretism:-- Life and work of Nanak -- Nanak's teachings -- Political history of Sikhism--Glossary -- Religions of east Asia: -- Native Chinese Religion and Daoism: -- Basic elements of Chinese religion -- Daoism as a philosophy -- Daoism as magic and religion -- Glossary -- Confucius and Confucianism: -- Study in optimistic humanism: -- Man Confucius -- Teachings of Confucius -- Confucian school -- Rivals -- Champions -- New-Confucianism -- State cult of Confucius -- Religion in China in the modern period -- Glossary -- Great dispersion -- Making of the talmud -- Jews in the middle east -- Judaism in the modern world -- Christianity in its opening phase: -- Words and work of Jesus in Apostolic perspective: -- World into which Jesus came -- Life of Jesus -- First phase -- Themes of Jesus' teaching -- Climactic events -- Apostolic age -- Early church -- Religious development of Christianity: -- Ancient catholic church -- Eastern orthodox churches -- Roman catholic church in the middle ages -- Protestant reformation -- Crosscurrents in the seventh and eighteenth centuries -- Catholicism in the modern world -- Recent theological trends -- Glossary -- Islam: -- Religion of submission to God: -- Beginnings -- Arabian beliefs and practices before Muhammad -- Prophet Muhammad -- Faith and practice of Islam -- Spread of Islam -- First five centuries of Muslim though -- Shinto: -- Native contribution to Japanese religion -- Background of Shinto -- Shinto myth -- Shinto in medieval and more recent times -- State of shintl to -- Shinto and the warrior -- Shrine shinto today -- Domestic and sectarian shinto -- Glossary -- Religions of the middle east: -- Zoroastrianism -- Religion based on ethical dualism -- Iranian religion before Zoroaster -- Religion of the later avesta -- Zoroastrians of the present day -- Judaism in the early phases: -- Hebrew origins to exile -- Religion of the pre-mosaic Hebrews -- Moses and the covenant with Yahweh (about 1250 B.C.E.) -- Yahweh and the Baals -- Prophetic protest and reform -- Babylonian exile -- Glossary -- Religious development of Judaism: -- Rise of Judaism in the restoration period -- New trends of thought in the Greek and Maccabean periods -- Roman period to 70 C.E. --Shi'ah alternative and regional developments: -- Party (Shia) of 'Ali -- Further developments -- Islam and culture -- Issues in modern period -- regional developments -- Movements toward innovation and syncretism -- Glossary -- References for quotations -- suggestions for further reading -- Index.




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