Salvation in African Christianity /
general editors, Rodney L. Reed and David K. Ngaruiya.
- xv, 416 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
- ASET Series. .
- ASET Series. .
Includes bibliographical references.
Jeremiah 29:11 : rightly applying an Old Testament "salvation" text / Concepts of repentance and sanctification in African perspectives : an assessment of biblical and African understandings of salvation in African Christianity / Salvation prosperity or poverty? An assessment of African Pentecostal Christianity / "Jesus is my personal savior" : engaging evangelical themes of individual salvation in African communal contexts / Household conversions in Acts and their significance for house-to-house evangelism in Africa / A Pauline theology of justification and its implications for ecclesiology in Kenya amid ethnic divisions : an exegesis of Galatians 2:11-21 / Past, present, and future : Paul's view of salvation in the Thessalonian correspondence / How can women be saved? A reinterpretation of 1 Timothy 2:15 within a Nigerian context / Understanding the soteriological conceptualization of the early church fathers : an exploration of the legacy of Athanasius and its relevance to African Christianity / The sacrifice of Christ in African perspective : a contribution to the atonement debate / Critical analysis of the doctrine of adoption through the honor and shame paradigm : an African perspective / A balanced approach to understanding the concept of salvation in contemporary African Christianity / An exploration of understanding seven dimensions of salvation in African Christianity / Holism in salvation / The logical implications of trinitarian exclusivism / Emerging soteriological issues in African Christianity in the light of resurgent African cultures : the practice of ancestral debts / Finding new "alphabets" for proclaiming salvific faith in Africa / Salvation and the problem of negative ethnicity and schism in the church in Kenya : toward an Ubuntu salvation theology / An all-embracing, contextual, challenging, now and not yet salvation for Ugandan rural communities / An exploration of Pentecostal theology and praxis of salvation in Kenya / Jamie Viands -- Daniel M. Mwailu -- Mica Onserio Moenga -- Kyama Mugambi -- Isaac Ampong -- Danson Ottawa Wafula and Edwin Mwangi Macharia -- Gift Mtukwa -- Moses Iliya Ogidis -- Henry Marcus Garba -- Samuel K. Bussey -- Kenosi Molato -- Joseph Mavulu -- David K. Ngaruiya -- Philemon Ongole -- Joseph B. Onyango Okello -- Kamau Thairu -- Julius Kithinji and Pauline K. Mwaura -- Rev. Jackline Makena Mutuma, Rev. Dr. John M. Kiboi -- Timothy J. Monger -- Kevin Muriithi Ndereba.
"What must I do to be saved?" That question, raised in the book of Acts by the Philippian jailer, is a question for the ages. Yet what, even, does it mean to be saved? Is salvation for this life or the next? Is it purely spiritual or does it have physical and material implications? Can salvation be lost? Do we determine who will be saved or does God? What role does Christ play in salvation? Such are the seemingly unending questions soteriology strives to answer. In this eighth volume from the Africa Society of Evangelical Theology, African theologians articulate their understanding of salvation - and its widespread implications for life and practice - in conversation with Scripture and the rich diversity of an African cultural context. Salvation is examined from historical, philosophical, and theological lenses, and scholars address topics as wide-ranging as conversion, ethnicity, fertility, poverty, prosperity, the Trinity, exclusivism, African Pentecostalism, rural community, eschatology, wholeness, and atonement. It is a powerful exploration of the holistic nature of salvation as articulated in Scripture and understood by the African church.