Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1906-1945.

Spiritual care / Dietrich Bonhoeffer ; translated and with an introduction by Jay C. Rochelle. - 93 pages ; 22 cm.

"Translated from the German 'Seelsorge,' Band V, Gesammelten Schriften (Munich: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1982)"--Verso t.p.

Bibliography: pages 90-92.

The mission of spiritual care -- Law and gospel in spiritual care -- Home visitation -- Conversations with the indifferent -- Spiritual care to those who are tempted -- Spiritual care to the sick -- Visit to the deathbed -- Confession as the heart of spiritual care -- Spiritual care for pastors -- The funeral -- The wedding -- Baptism.



Bekennende Kirche--Clergy.

Pastoral theology.
Pastoral theology--Bekennende Kirche.
Pastoral theology--Lutheran Church.
Lutheran Church--Clergy.

253 Boenhoeffer