The parables of grace /
by Robert Farrar Capon.
- vi, 184 pages ; 23 cm.
Introduction: A parable of theology and faith -- Death and resurrection: the touchstone of the parables of grace -- The first parable of grace: the coin in the fish's mouth -- Losing as the mechanism of grace: the lost sheep -- Death, resurrection, and forgiveness: the unforgiving servant -- Losing as winning: the prologue to the good Samaritan -- The first of the misnamed parables: the good Samaritan -- Grace more than judgement: from the friend at midnight to the rich fool -- Fruitfulness out of death: the watchful servants and the barren fig tree -- Interlude on an objection: why not life rather than death? -- Back to death, lastness, and lostness: the mustard seed, the yeast, and the narrow door -- Death and the party: the transition to the great banquet -- The party parables: the great banquet and the prodigal son -- The hardest parable: The unjust stewart -- Death and faith: Lazarus and dives -- The scandal of the gospel: the returning servant, the ten lepers, and the vultures -- God as anti-hero: the unjust judge -- Death and resurrection one last time: the pharisee and the publican.